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3 Weeks until Race Day!

November 4, 2012

Ironman Cozumel is 3 weeks from today, we leave for Mexico 2 weeks from Tuesday, and TriBikeTransport takes my bike 1 week from today!  That sh*t CRAY!  The good news is that I feel way more prepared than last time and therefore less nervous.  I’m also trying to eat a TON so I don’t lose weight before race day again.

I had an interesting (sh*tty) week in Vegas for work at the SEMA show, but was able to come back home and get in a solid training weekend, despite my setbacks earlier in the week (sick w/ a cold and a bum foot.)  Here’s my recap.

Monday 10/29: Flew to Vegas. Realized I was super sick with a cold and spent the afternoon in bed.  This is normally my rest day anyway.

Tuesday 10/30: Took an extra rest day and loaded up on Zicam and emergen-c.  Was already starting to feel better!  Worked the show from 9-1…then realized I had resurfaced my foot injury from August.  Noooo!

Wednesday 10/31: Had a spooky swim in the hotel’s rooftop pool that is most definitely NOT a lap pool and swam back and forth for about 40 minutes.  It felt good to be moving again.

That night, I dressed up as an angel for Halloween.

What? We got bottle service so I could stay off my foot, AND I’m wearing flats – in Vegas!

Thursday 11/1: I had this day off from the convention, so Coach Trevor gave me extra work to do.  The morning was 1:40 on the hotel spin bike, and the afternoon was a 3,500m swim.  I brought my bike pedals and shoes so I could manipulate the hotel’s spin bike, but I didn’t have the proper pedal wrench to get their pedals off, so I was stuck using standard equipment.  At least I found a 25m lap pool to swim in, even though it was in the ghetto.  I normally swim in a pool that is 25y, so it took me a little longer to complete my sets in the 25m pool.

–          Bike: 20 mins HR zone 2-3 at 95+ RPM, 20 min zone high 3-4 at 70rmp or less.  Recover 2-3 mins and repeat, only with HR zone 2-3 at 70rmp and zone 3-4 at 95+.

–          Swim: 25 x 100 (at various paces), then 1 x 1,000 comfortably fast

Friday 11/2: I was supposed to work out in the morning and try running on my foot, but I literally got out of bed, got dressed, realized I was exhausted, and got undressed and back into bed for another 90 minutes.  4 nights in Las Vegas will do this to you.  I had to stand on my feet for the convention from 9-4 and then head straight to the airport, so I justified skipping this one.

Saturday 11/3: Back in San Diego for my brick workout!

–          Open water swim: 75 minutes

–          T1 practice

–          Bike 3 hours: warm-up 90 mins, 4×5 miles at 88% effort, cool down

–          T2 practice

–          Run 5 minutes

OUCH! At least I won’t have to wear a wetsuit in Cozumel. Apparently I can’t put on the Glide correctly.


After my workout, I had my first ART session to address my hurt foot.  It was a little over a 60 minute session, and this guy seriously knew how to make me hurt!  It was worth it, though…

Sunday 11/4: …My foot felt so much better today!  My calves and right foot were sore from my session, but I was ready for my 2 hour run.  (Think of ART as an extremely painful deep tissue massage, targeted towards everywhere you HURT.)  Nicole and I ran together, and Mike and Jeremy ran together, for a united Team WODS training session!

I decided to put both of my feet in a 20 minute ice bath post-run, even though my right foot is the injured one.  I am a big believer in ice baths for recovery.  I also iced my calves today.  (It wasn’t convenient to take a full on ice bath.)

Tomorrow I don’t get my typical rest day since I took an unintentional rest day on Friday, so I better get to bed now.  Spin in the morning, and a run at night!

How do you workout on the road?

From → Ironman Cozumel

One Comment
  1. Glad you are back in action — it’s almost time!

    And holy hell – that is the worst wetsuit burn I’ve ever seen!!

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